Your comments

i was stupid , i forgot to delete the prefabs add to unity terrain tree manager ,now i fix the bug and there is no error ,but 500 tree still take 1mins to load ,i will update unity to 2018 and try again

i open the demo scene and there is no error, too , i am not sure how the error spawn in my scene

ok i will try to reinstall the plugin and reply later

sorry for reply so late , have been busy with life stuff . the version of my unity is  2017.3.0f3

i still have problem with that

do i need to update unity to the  newer beta ? such as 2018?

when just open the scenes , i can find warning like this:

Assets/LushLOD Trees/Scripts/_LushLODTreesManager.cs(3163,38): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.Light.isBaked' is obsolete: `Light.isBaked is no longer supported. Use Light.bakingOutput.isBaked (and other members of Light.bakingOutput) instead.'


The tree Alder couldn't be instanced because the prefab contains no valid mesh renderer.
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)

when loading the game,waring this:

The tree Alder couldn't be instanced because the prefab contains no valid mesh renderer.


TerrainCollider: MeshCollider is not supported on terrain at the moment.

by the way , i use STANDERD prefabs alder tree in the game.

by the way ,i add the tree as object just like rocks when i use mapmagic,cause its not work as a tree 

its Unity 2017.3.0f3 (64-bit) 

i set 5000 tree and build it to exe files , its playing perfect without lag ,but take me 10-20mins to enter the game 

i try to build the game to exe and it loading about 30s to load 1500 trees and work ok , seems just have problem when loading in unity?