Will this support World Streamer?

Mal 8 years ago updated by Aaron Brown 8 years ago 4

Hi there, I like the look of this product however, the game I'm building uses World Streamer to stream the terrain. I've had issues with Gaia and Gena and can't use them to build my trees. Do you know whether you will be supporting World Streamer?

The trees can be spawned during gameplay, however, it creates a small hickup in the frame rate when you link all the trees together (called parenting), which helps them to check their distance to the camera with less processing power. That hickup only occurs when you recalculate the parents, which has to happen anytime you add or remove any trees from the scene. For a scene with thousands of threes, the hickup will be very noticeable. If world streamer would continually add and remove trees from the scene, then those hickups would be happening constantly which would not be acceptable. I could possibly rework the code that calculates the parents, and put that code into a seperate thread in order to make those hickups much less noticeable or potentially get rid of them. Only way I guess to know if that's needed would be to test it. Other than this one issue, I can't think of any other reason why it wouldn't work.

One other potential issue is that the trees are not directly part of the Terrain, they are regular gameobjects. So world streamer would need to have the option to spawn the trees as regular game objects (where each tree has its own "transform" component, and where each tree can be selected in the Hierarchy window). When I say "part of the terrain" I mean that if you click on a Terrain object, you'll see a tab for "Trees" in the inspector. That tab is for trees that are directly part of the terrain. And LushLOD Trees can not be added directly to a terrain like this, they have to be added to the scene as game objects.

Thanks Aaron for your quick response.

Yeah I see, I guess with world streamer it can put any of the game objects that aren't part of the terrain into the object streamers and then renders them based on your distance.

If the trees can be in the scene in a GameObject and named High_TREENAME etc.. then world streamer potentially can save them into the object streamer.

I'm not sure why I have issues with other tree or terrain products but I have an in-cling it's based on the depth that the meshes are saved in a directory structure in the scene.

When creating LushLOD trees is it possible to have the mesh within the game object of the scene directly? or does lush LOD trees get the mesh saved 2 or more deep into a directory structure managed by 1 GameObject? I'm thinking that the depth of the directories managed by other products such as GAIA are the reason they aren't correctly added to the Streamer object scenes. I.E. GENA is saving all the trees under a main GameObject called GENA and I think world streamer is having issues separting the trees into their individual GameObjects.

Not sure, any thoughts on that?

I'm not familiar with world streamer so I'm not sure if I fully understand all your questions here, but I'll answer as best I can.

1) I don't know what you mean by "game object of the scene", so hard to answer that one.

2) All LushLOD Trees are made of 3 game objects, one called something like "Pine Tree", with two child gameobjects named "LOD 1" and "LOD 2". The main game object named "Pine Tree" is expected to be a child of at least 1 game object, and they can't be located at the very root of the scene Hierarchy. So for example, "LOD 1" might be located in the scene under the following game objects: Trees -> Pine Tree -> LOD 1. Also, the LushLOD Trees Manager needs a reference to this "Trees" gameobject, as this helps it find all the LushLOD Trees in the scene more quickly.