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Android won't compile, error when trying to play in editor, seems to be incompatible with unity collab?

Clay 7 years ago updated by Aaron Brown 7 years ago 4

When I use unity collab:

Image 113

When I try to compile:

Image 114

One time it actually successfully compiled, and once the app was loaded onto android it crashed immediately.  

Are these issues common? I set up the LushLods in the scene perfectly, and for a while I could use the play button in the editor and they would behave as expected.  Then after one build/collab attempt, everything was broken horribly.  

Under review

I have no experience with unity collab, unfortunately. But, it says it failed to move a meta file, and I know those files are made automatically by unity. My scripts have no interaction at all with meta files. So if a meta file is generating an error, I would almost think the issue is with unity collab. Maybe project got corrupted?

What about the failing to compile on android?

The error message in the second screenshot isn't very useful. Have others had compile errors? 

I believe that second error is simply telling you to fix the other errors from the first screenshot.

So, in the first screenshot it indicates that it can't move a file from one location, to exactly the same location. Obviously you can't move a file to the same spot where the file is already located, so that error makes sense, I just don't know why Unity collab is trying to do that for you. Looks like Unity collab is doing something completely unnecessary and stupid honestly, but I don't know anything about Unity collab so I can't be sure.

It also says that one of the HQmesh files was deleted. I don't know what script posted that error message to the console, but if it deleted one or more of the LushLOD asset files, then the trees will be damaged. Kind of sounds scary if it's deleting asset files without asking you for permission. I'm not sure if it actually deleted an asset though, but you might want to check to make sure that file didn't actually get deleted from that folder.

Either way, none of those errors are being generated by my scripts, they seem to be getting generated by unity collab. You might want to see if Unity collab has a support forum for support with their asset, because they may be able to better help you with errors being generated by their asset. I know it's messing up on LushLOD's files, but I can't know if that's because there's anything wrong with my files more so than any other files... it could just be happenstance that it decided to mess up on my files.