Under review

Definition missing:

JamesWjRose 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

I just purchased your asset, however when I open Unity (2107.3.1f1) I get 6 errors that state:  "Assets/LushLOD Trees/Scripts/_LushLODTreeSceneConverter.cs(162,38): error CS1061: Type `Tree' does not contain a definition for `data' and no extension method `data' of type `Tree' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?"

Your class name is just "Tree" and could not find that class, I found the "_LushLODTree" class....   so, how do I fix this?

Also, if this helps, I added your trees to the Terrain section to paint the trees, but it did not do anything, not even an error.   It was when I rebooted and restarted the project that I got these errors.

Under review

The "Tree" class is built into Unity, it's not part of my package. The missing "data" definition ought to be there, and if it isn't, then Unity may have removed it from that particular version of Unity. Please note that I have not updated LushLOD Trees to the latest beta version of Unity. Once Unity 2018 is out of beta, I will update LushLOD to the 2018 version.

My trees do not use the "data" component of the "Tree" class for anything whatsoever, so you could try to simply comment out (or otherwise bypass) any lines that are trying to use the "data" definition of the "Tree" class. If my memory is correct, my trees don't use that "data" component for anything whatsoever, I think I put it in for potential future use or something like that, so if you are code savvy you may be able to comment out or otherwise bypass the parts of the lines of code that are messing with "data". 

Again, I'll have this fixed once I update to Unity 2018 which will be as soon as it's out of beta. 

If you're getting stuck on any particular line of code that you can't figure out how to comment out or bypass the "data" component, please let me know what line of code it is and I'll tell you how to fix it. Sorry about this problem.

Thanks for the info.  I did comment out the lines, but as a software developer I thought you'd want to know.

FYI: I am using Unity 2017, not 2018.

Have a great weekend