Your comments

Hey, thanks again for the great support. 

Basically the idea is to get LushLOD to behave just like the standard Unity trees on a terrain. 

- HQ trees have realtime shadows

- Billboards have no shadows

- Trees go straight from HQ (close to camera) to Billboard (far from distance). No transition where both blend together. 

Again, it seems counterintuitive because from what I understand you built the asset to avoid these settings - but after playing with for a bit, I'd love to be able to get these options and still edit the billboard atlas.

Hey, thanks for the quick answer and great asset (especially the documentation). I was certain I got the same results without shadows, but after a restart I'm back down to a very good 160 set passes with LushLOD.

A couple more questions. It might defeat the purpose of the asset, but I'm only using it to be modify the billboard atlas.

- Is there a way to remove the transition between HQ and billboards?

- Can we get HQ trees shadows ONLY?