Under review

Использование terrain можно высадить огромное количество деревьев и легко работать в редакторе. Используя LushLOD у меня не получается садить много деревеьев, редактор лагает даже при включенном Setting Billboard.

HFMgames 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 5

Using terrain you can plant a huge number of trees and easily work in the editor. Using LushLOD I can not plant many trees, the editor lags even with Setting Billboard enabled.

Under review

I apologize for this, but yes, in editor mode the trees display the high quality mesh always, which lags. When the game is running, the trees work faster. But in edit mode, the trees may lag. In my next update, I will add the option to display only the billboards during edit mode.


I had done display the billboards in edit mode, but it doesn't help. 200,000 trees on the terrane 100 sq. km. Tris 500k +, but FPS is very low.

Planted 200,000 trees from SpeedTree through Unity Terrain. FPS is also low. So it's just a lot of trees. But FPS was good when planting 200,000 trees from conventional models.

The billboards for SpeedTrees and LushLOD Trees are both much more complex than the conventional billboards. But the conventional billboards bend and twist when you turn the camera, and they don't transition very smoothly, so they may be fast but they don't look very good.

Can I return the money for the purchase? Unfortunately this plugin does not work for me.