Your comments
Good morning Aaron!
It worked when l had replaced 2 shaders above! Plea
I deleted that called "Tree_Leaves Far4_edited.shader" as ur post last day. Nothing has been charged!
I have tested with 2 shaders that u sent. Still has same issue. No pink boxes here. See videos below for more ideas?
Seem billboard didnot disappear when camera moved close, right ? So the problem is related camera script?
This one is better. I notice the shader is switched between LeaveFar4 and Leave4 when character's camera moves. Which does one of them cause errors?
And here is Gaia Demo Fast Scene built in Android. With low quality of billboard , it is quite acceptable. I wonder how can i do this my own :)
Thanks for support me through steps!
Here me have same issue with u NIGE. It 's seem quite on Editor but when built in device (GalaxyS7) with LOW Quality BillBroad's Setting ( billbroad 's shader is Tree Leaves Far 4 as ur comment). Any ideas Aaran ?
Customer support service by UserEcho
I mean "Quite weird". Sorry about my english !