Your comments

I am installing the android build package, so that I can try to reproduce this issue on my computer. I will let you know as soon as I learn anything.

I did design a means to edit the billboard atlas... but it requires you to make the changes to the HQ trees, and then convert them again, and then upgrade your scene to use the new trees (there is an upgrade button to make it easier). All that's in the documentation though so I assume you know about this. if you're wanting to edit the billboard atlas so that it significantly doesn't match the HQ trees anymore, and then you want to turn off the transitions, that would look really bad, but it's not too hard to do. You'd just edit the LushLODTrees.cs file, and tell it to do the entire transition instantly, instead of gradually. All the code for the transition is calculated in the function that's at the bottom of that file. It also transitions the shadows separately... and you could remove all the shadow transition code to make it keep showing the HQ shadows always. It will look really bad though, I guess you probably already know that.

Your asking to remove the transition between HQ and billboards, is that because you want to see HQ trees only, and turn the billboards off? Or is that becuase you want to see billboards only, and turn HQ trees of? Both options are possible I'm just not sure which option you're wanting. :)

As for HQ shadows only... yea that option is possible but it's gonna be expensive. I don't actually think they're is a way to have only billboards for the meshes, but with only the HQ shadows. I never figured anyone would want billboards with HQ mesh shadows. But if you are wanting only the HQ trees, with only the HQ shadows, then well, yea you can have that too, most of the LushLOD features would be turned off in that case. Let me know more specifically what you're trying to do and I'll be able to give a more specific answer.

That's a lot of set passes. It could be any number of things causing it. Best way to track it down is to compare your settings with the settings in the demo scene until you find what the difference is... I'm pretty sure the demo scene doesn't have that many set passes. One thing to be aware of is that the demo scene is using baked shadows, so there aren't additional passes needed for shadow rendering in the demo scene. So unless you are also baking your shadows, you'll be hard pressed to get the same speed that's seen in the demo scene.

I believe that second error is simply telling you to fix the other errors from the first screenshot.

So, in the first screenshot it indicates that it can't move a file from one location, to exactly the same location. Obviously you can't move a file to the same spot where the file is already located, so that error makes sense, I just don't know why Unity collab is trying to do that for you. Looks like Unity collab is doing something completely unnecessary and stupid honestly, but I don't know anything about Unity collab so I can't be sure.

It also says that one of the HQmesh files was deleted. I don't know what script posted that error message to the console, but if it deleted one or more of the LushLOD asset files, then the trees will be damaged. Kind of sounds scary if it's deleting asset files without asking you for permission. I'm not sure if it actually deleted an asset though, but you might want to check to make sure that file didn't actually get deleted from that folder.

Either way, none of those errors are being generated by my scripts, they seem to be getting generated by unity collab. You might want to see if Unity collab has a support forum for support with their asset, because they may be able to better help you with errors being generated by their asset. I know it's messing up on LushLOD's files, but I can't know if that's because there's anything wrong with my files more so than any other files... it could just be happenstance that it decided to mess up on my files.

Thanks for mentioning the forum, I'm going to look into the two bug reports they posted there right now. So if you're having a similar issue to what they reported, I'm looking into it now.

I have no experience with unity collab, unfortunately. But, it says it failed to move a meta file, and I know those files are made automatically by unity. My scripts have no interaction at all with meta files. So if a meta file is generating an error, I would almost think the issue is with unity collab. Maybe project got corrupted?

Okay, one last check if you don't mind.

1) Select the billboard tree we made.

2) In the inspector window, scroll to where you can see the shader we selected earlier (named "Unlit/Transparent Cutout")

3) In the project window, browse to LushLOD Trees -> Internal Files -> Shaders -> Resources, and drag the "Tree_Leaves Far4" shader (make sure you select the right one), and drop it directly onto the spot in the inspector window where you see the text "Unlit/Transparent Cutout". The tree should switch to my lowest quality billboard shader.

4) Edit the "Tree_Leaves Far4" shader file (by opening the file), and at the very bottom of the shader, comment out the line that says: FallBack "Diffuse"

5) Build the scene for android.

I think it's possible that the Diffuse shader was being used as a fallback because the android build didn't want to use my shader. But that's just a theory. With that line commented out, let me know what happens when you try to build it to android (it might not even let you build it, or the trees might render as pink colored).

Also, here is a heavily simplified / edited version of the far4 shader:

In that edited shader, I removed all the shader code except for just the code that does the alpha clipping. And the fallback line is commented out also. You can try attaching that edited shader to the tree, and see if it will build and render correctly on android. Obviously you won't want to actually use that edited shader in your game, since it is going to look pretty ugly... I'm just giving it to you as part of this test to try to see if we can get a working shader and maybe isolate where the problem is happening.

The picture from the billboards screenshot looks good except that the alpha clipping isn't working. So, I have another test you can try if you don't mind.

1) Create a new scene.

2) In the project window, browse to LushLOD Trees - > Output -> Output on 2017-4-23 -- STANDARD -> Trees -> Alder -> Lod1 -> Mesh, and drag the "BillboardMesh" into the scene. It should be pink in appearance because it'll have no shader attached to it yet.

3) In the project window, browse to  LushLOD Trees - > Output -> Output on 2017-4-23 -- STANDARD -> Atlas -> Texture, and drag the "Atlas" image and drop it directly on top of the pink part of the billboard in the Scene view. The tree should now have texture, but it will be solid square boxes.

4) In the inspector window, scroll to the bottom where the "Shader" is, and instead of "Standard", select the shader at Unlit -> Transparent Cutout. Now the tree billboard shouldn't be boxes anymore. This is the standard alpha clip shader, which is a shader made by Unity, which does the alpha clip similar to my shaders, except that it is very simple and literally does nothing else except alpha clip the texture so that it doesn't look like boxes.

5) Browse to LushLOD Trees -> Scripts, and drag the _LushLODTreesFlycam script directly onto the Main Camera, so that the camera can be moved when we click play.

6) Save the scene.

7) Remove the Gaia Demo scene from the build under File - > Build Settings, and add just this new scene with the single billboard, to the build, so that there is no other scene except this one.

8) Build to android and see if this Unlit Transparent Cutout shader will render the billboards without turning it into boxes.

If it renders correctly with the Unlit Transparent Cutout shader, then we'll know that the issue is with my shader. But if it still renders as big square boxes, then we'll know it's something else, possibly the alpha color values of the Atlas texture are being lost during the build to Andriod.

Thanks for screenshots. I'm looking into it, I'll get back with you soon.